Who I am and the origins of this site

How this website came to be

My name is Glenn Dallaire and I live in Bristol, CT, USA. I am happily married to my beloved wife and friend, Brenda, and together we have seven wonderful children. I was born on September 14--the Feast of the Triumph of the Holy Cross.

I have been working in the Computer IT Tech Support field since 1994. I love the Catholic Church and the holy faith of our Fathers very deeply. However, this was not always the case.

Although I was raised a Catholic, by age 16 I stopped going to Mass, and I had very little interest in God, the Catholic faith or even spirituality in general. This religious indifference continued throughout my teenage years and into my early twenties. Then, thanks be to God for His mercy and kindness, I met my wife-to-be, and through her holy and faithful example, God enkindled in me a desire to know Him. (As a side note, our first date was on the feast of St Mary Magdalene (July 22), and we were later married on the feast day of Our Lady of La Salette (Sept 19), all to show, once again, how God arranges things using specific dates as a significance). But going back to the story, at that time my wife was associated with a movement founded by a certain mystic, and as I began reading the autobiography written by this mystic, I was immediately enraptured by her extraordinary faith, and the remarkable graces that God gave to her. Through the reading of the life of this mystic, faith in God was awakened in me; I had a deep longing for God for the first time in my life. I was 28 years old.

Inspired and edified by her exceptional love for God, I continued reading the lives of other Mystics of the Church, including the life of the remarkable mystic, St Gemma Galgani, whose fervent love for God has deeply inspired me. So, I decided to put my computer skills to work for the love of God, and over the course of over a year I put together a website devoted to St Gemma, located here: http://www.stgemmagalgani.com/. Since I first read her remarkable Autobiography back in the year 2000, Saint Gemma has always been my favorite Saint. Her heart was all on fire with the love of God and anyone who reads her autobiography, diary or letters will be completely moved by her fervent devotion to God.

Next, I put together a second website devoted to another extraordinary mystic, the founder of the Passionists, St Paul of the Cross. Since then I have also built websites devoted to the Miracles of the Church and the Miracles of the Saints.

For me, the Mystics of the Church website and my other websites are really a "work of love and reparation" so to speak, and I have really been enjoying creating them over the past few years. I spent much of my life in selfish and sinful pursuits, so the websites are a sort of reparation for me; a kind of redemption for my "past" life.  While studying and learning about our Mystic-Saint friends in heaven, I have been blessed through these websites to meet many wonderful people in the process. My hope and intention for all of my websites has always been that in some small way they might help to bring souls closer to Jesus and Mary.

Since coming back to the Catholic faith in 1996, I have read the inspiring lives of quite a few mystics, quite often the lesser known mystics. In fact, I have a small library of books, most of which are on the lives of the mystics. For me, it was without a doubt the heroic example of the mystics that led me to God and the practice of the Catholic faith. And so, I am deeply indebted to the Mystics of the Church for their loving witness and their heroic lives of sacrifice and virtue that penetrated into my little world of self-centeredness and religious indifference. And because of my life of indifference towards God and my countless sins, I have taken great comfort in the Psalm 25 which says: "Remember O LORD that Your compassion and Your love are from of old. The sins of my youth and my frailties remember not; in Your kindness remember me, because of your goodness, O LORD....Remember Your mercies O Lord."

And so, it is in a spirit of deep gratitude and thanksgiving that I am creating this website in honor of the extraordinary Mystics of the Church, especially the lesser known mystics that inspired me the most.

It is my fervent prayer that the pages herein will be of some small service to the Catholic Church and Her faithful followers. I pray that the Mystics' fiery love of God may penetrate into the hearts of all who visit here, and inspire in us a greater love and devotion for our God, who is most worthy of all of our love.

I enjoy receiving emails and discussing the Mystics and Saints of the Church so feel free to contact me with any comments or suggestions. My email address is: gdallaire1@gmail.com
Glenn Dallaire -webmaster

"My God, my God, I love You. But, per­haps I love You too little, oh Jesus? ... Are You not happy? ...But this needs to come from You, if you want me to love You more. Yes, I should love You with a unique love. Oh! I have told You so many times, oh Lord: if my life does not end in seeing the suffering of someone who loves me so much, what other pain do You think could bring about my death? ...I told You that it is enough, oh Lord, what you have suffered for me and for sinners. Yes, enough! ... My shoulders shall replace Yours in bearing the cross!" -St Gemma Galgani


Greg Francis/Singapore said...

Great work Glenn.Your blog on the lives of the mystics is greatly appreciated.It inspires me to a greater faith.Amen.

Glenn Dallaire said...

Thank you Greg/Francis for your kind comments. I am really happy to hear that you are enjoing the Mystics of the Church website-blog.
For me it is really a "work of love" so to speak!

May God bless you and yours,
-Glenn Dallaire

Anonymous said...

Glenn, I have just found your web site, thanks to a reference on a Catholic discussion forum. It is a great treasure. I will be visiting your site daily for inspiration from these holy mystics. God bless you!

In the hearts of Jesus and Mary,


Glenn Dallaire said...

Hi David,

It is a pleasure to meet you. Thanks for your kind comment. I hope you enjoy the website and please let me know if you have any suggestions!

Union in the hearts of Jesus and Mary,
-Glenn Dallaire

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this wonderful website! I have found some of the best spiritual reading as a result of your blog on the mystics. How great is the communion of saints... each one of us helping to lead another to Heaven.
God Bless You!

Glenn Dallaire said...

Hi Anonymous,

Thanks you for your kind comments. Yes, the Communion of Saints is a very comforting and inspiring truth...to know that the Saints in heaven are always praying and intereceding for us before the throne of God, especially when we pray and ask for their intercession.
I am so glad to hear that you are enjoying the website.

May God bless you and yours!
Union in the Hearts of Jesus and Mary,
Glenn Dallaire

Unknown said...

God bless you Glen. I love your website. I find myself here every other day. Love it, love it, love it. I'm a prodical son who is now a year old in faith. The Lord led me to your site. There is so much here, so much I want to read, but I am unable to sit on the computer for too long. I tried printing screens out without success. Can you share your resources with me? What books do you recommend?
In Jesus and Mary,
Daniel McGann dpmcgann72@gmail.com

Unknown said...

Hello again Glenn, I just noticed you do have books listed as references on 10 of these precious lives. What would really be awesome is you turning this website into a book!!! I would love to buy it, as opposed to buying all of the books you read. Just for starters, just as an appetizer, then in a few years I could start buying the books you cite here. What do you think?

In Jesus and Mary,
Daniel McGann dpmcgann72@gmail.com

Glenn Dallaire said...

Hi Daniel,
It is great to hear from you again.

Thanks for the suggestion of possibly turning this website into a book. Honestly, I have never even thought of it.

I do know of a great website devoted to St Padre Pio that for a good number of years has produced an excellent quarterly newsletter full of great interviews and stories about St Pio. And just recently they turned all these newsletters into a excellent book full of these stories and interviews about Padre Pio.

And so, your suggestion is certainly something to consider.

Also, thanks for asking about an updated list of books. I actually need to make an updated list, as I have recently added some mystics without providing info on the source books. In fact, I am currently working on an article about another American Mystic named Rhoda Wise, however after this is published I will definitely work on an updated book list.

Thanks again Greg and may God continue to draw you ever closer to Himself.
Keep in touch!
Glenn Dallaire

Unknown said...

Dear Glenn,
I find treasures of the Catholic Church everywhere I look these days and you dear man and this site are very certainly amoung them.
I can't seem to get enough, I find myself spending a good deal of time each day reading & re-reading about these beautiful souls and I thank God that I came across your site.
May God bless you, your family & this holy endeavor.
Your friend, mother of 8 future saints & fellow rejoicing Catholic,
Theresa Winters

Glenn Dallaire said...

Hi Theresa,
Thanks for your kind comments. I am really happy to hear that you are enjoying the website, and I am also really glad to hear that you are a devoted mother of 8! -That is wonderful!....May God bless you and your family, and may He draw you ever closer to Himself!

-Glenn Dallaire

Renata said...

Dear Glenn! Thank You so very much! I just discovered your site through Josefa Menendez yesterday. Can not get enough of it! I already e-mailed it to my friends. What a beautiful website! Just essentials, not overloaded, simple and so delightful! Did You have a chance to visit True Life In God website (www.TLIG.org) and read Jesus’ Odes of Love Messages? The most amazing Lord’s work I ever read! I recommend it very much to everybody! They have an Internet radio, so you can listen too. Well, again – THANK YOU for your work, time and wonderful personality! God Bless You and Your Family!

In Christ Love,
Houston, TX

Glenn Dallaire said...

Hi Renata,
Thank you for your kind message.

I am really happy to hear that you are enjoying the website. I too love Sr. Josefa Menendez. Many of the things that Jesus told her are very inspiring and her response to Jesus through her holy life is very inspiring also. Thank you for the link that you provided.

Best wishes and may God bless you and yours!

Glenn Dallaire

Anonymous said...

Hello, again, Glenn, I am cousin to Little Rose and was curious- are you related to Little Rose as well? What are your experiences with her and thank you so very much for visiting my site and for writing such a beautiful piece on Little Rose- the flower of R.I. I owe her my life and I have witnessed repeatedly such sweet miracles she has done even now near 75 years later- Wow! It & she can take your breath away! :) I look forward to talking with you soon. With much love, and many blessings to you always, Laurie W.

Glenn Dallaire said...

Hi Laurie W,
Thanks for your kind comments.

As for myself, I soon became devoted to Marie Rose Ferron shortly after I began reading Fr. Boyer's excellent book "She Wears a Crown of Thorns". Afterwards I also read Jeanine Savard Bonin's book. And then later Fr. John Baptist Palm's book "Tape Recorded Little Rose Testimonies"---although I did not read all of that one. I see in Marie Rose an authentic holiness and love for God. You are blessed to have such an extraordinary soul for a cousin!
I've written three articles about her for my websites because I belive her life is an extraordinary example of devotion for the love of God and souls.

Thanks again and may God bless you and yours,
Glenn Dallaire

Steve said...

Hi Glenn!

I had never heard of the book "He and I" until I read your blog, and just in time for Christmas.

Fantastic website, thank you!!!

Glenn Dallaire said...

Hi Steve,
Thanks for your comment. I am really glad to hear that you are enjoying the website.

Yes, I highly recommend the book "He and I". It is in my top five list of books of the best spiritual reading. It really is that good.

By the way, I left you a reply on the 3rd Secret of Fatima article comments.

Thanks again and may God bless you and yours,
Glenn Dallaire

Patriot of USA said...

Hi Glenn,

Great work and devotion! I have been on this website for a couple of days reading - strarting with Mary Magdalene. I too am in the IT world as a Sr. Manager in QA.

I would like your permission to add a link to your site to two of my own devotional sites:
- a devotion to Infant Jesus for prayers answered for work in 2004 (by praying the Infant Jesus Novena).
- a devotion to the mystical and internal prayer method handed down through the centuries that invites God's presence by harnessing your own intent to consent to his presence.


Bill Fulbright

Glenn Dallaire said...

Hi Bill,

It is really nice to meet you! Thanks for your comments. I am really glad to hear that you are enjoying the "Mystics of the Church" website. This and all my websites are really a "work of love" so to speak.

Of course I would be happy if you would share the information from my website(s)with your readers. You have my permission to use whatever text(s) that you would like. If you would kindly credit my website that would be great!

May God bless you and yours.
Glenn Dallaire

sleksiii said...

thank you sir for creating this website for us catholics... this is such a big help for us to be inspired and be more enlightened with our faith...and to somehowone way or another answer the criticism of othe religious man made sect creeping evrywhere nowadays... God bless you more!!!

Glenn Dallaire said...

Dear Sleksii,
Thank you for your kind comments. I am really glad to hear that you are enjoying the website.
May God bless you and your loved ones,
Glenn Dallaire

Deanna said...

Glenn, I am thrilled with this beautiful blog on the lives of the mystics. God is truly great. These stories are a great guide to a closer relationship with Our Lord. I am so grateful to have access to such a beautiful lifeline. Please keep it going!

Glenn Dallaire said...

Hi Deanna,
Thanks for your kind comments. I'm glad to hear that you are enjoying the articles here. For me this website is a "work of love" so to speak.

Best wishes and may God bless you and yours,
Glenn Dallaire

Augustina said...

Hello Glenn, was wondering if the mystic you write about that influenced you coming back to the faith - is he/she still living? If not, would you be able to share his/her name? I too, have known a very gifted soul who has since past away. Who knows, maybe the same person?

Glenn Dallaire said...

Hi Augustina,
It is nice to meet you. Thanks for your comments.
Yes, the mystic that I once knew (whose religious movement that she founded helped bring me back to the Catholic faith) is most definitely still alive, so this is one of the reasons why I prefer not to disclose her name, as I am sure you can understand.

I will state that out of obedience to the judgement of the Catholic Church, I am no longer associated with her and the movement that she founded, since a few years ago the movement itself received a negative judgement from the Vatican.

This shows once again the extreme caution and prudence that must be taken in regards to mystics.

Union in the Hearts of Jesus and Mary,
Glenn Dallaire

Mabel Gaskell said...

Greetings from the Philippines, and congratulations Glenn, on Mystics of the Church; very beautiful, and very inspiring. Let us all work together to win more souls for Heaven, and let us pray for the return of Christian values to all hearts. May Jesus and Our Lady bless you and your family always!

Glenn Dallaire said...

-Hi Mabel,
It is nice to meet you. I am really glad to hear that enjoying the website....-thanks for your kind comments!
May God bless you and all the faithful in the Philippines!
Glenn Dallaire

George Guillotte said...

Hi, Glenn, Thank you so much for tending this jewel of a "holy lives" garden. Love of God at any cost. Each life a colorful, inspiring reflection to me of the Glory of God. It's already a strong favorite.

Glenn Dallaire said...

Hi George,
It is a pleasure to meet you. Thanks for your kind comments.

Believe me, I have enjoyed creating this website probably as much as you have been enjoying reading it. It has truly been a really edifying and enlightening experience and I have learned so much while making it.

Union in the Hearts of Jesus and Mary,
Glenn Dallaire

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this website. I like it very much.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this website. I like it a lot!

Anonymous said...

This is my first time on your websites. There's a lot of great info here. Thanks.

I'm curious if you have ever heard of Little Audrey Santo of Worcester and what you think of her life and the numerous signs and wonders associated with her. IN GOD'S HANDS is the title of the book about her life and there is a website and Foundation now dedicated her Cause.

Glenn Dallaire said...

Hi Anonymous,
Thanks for your comments.

Yes, I have occasionally read some documentation about the late "little" Audrey Santo of Worcester, Massachusetts. She (and her mother I would add) are definitely extraordinary souls, who without a doubt suffered some remarkable trials and crosses.

Perhaps, God willing, the Church will one day recognize her cause.

May God bless you and your loved ones,
Glenn Dallaire

Anonymous said...

I just found your blog today. I love it! Very inspiring. The photos are great. One comment that I may lend is in the inclusion of Luisa Piccarreta. I find it very disturbing with the emptying of a prominent convent(I will not say who because of its notoriety) because of the invasion of Divine Will. The Sr. responsible for bringing Luisa Piccarreta's works and Divine Will into the convent has been suspended from there by the Vatican and not allowed to step on the grounds. The entire thing was extremely scandalous and caused loss of many vocations and hurt and division among many Catholics in the area. There is a large cult surrounding this entire situation and person that believes that there is more revelation after Jesus Christ. This is contrary to our Faith.

Glenn Dallaire said...

Hi Anonymous,
Thank you for your comments about the Servant of God, Luisa Piccarreta. Like many other mystics her life and the extraordinary greaces that she alledgedly recieved can be percieved at times as controversial. Then too sometimes those who follow a particular mystic can interpret the mystics writings, actions or graces that they might have recieved incorrectly. And without a doubt some of Luisa's writings on the Divine Will have been not only misintepreted, but also mistranslated. But of course we can't judge a mystic by the erroneous judgements or actions of his/her followers.

So far the cause for canonisation of Luisa has been progressing and most recently, the second theologian assigned to evaluate the writings of Luisa Piccarreta by the Vatican Congregation for the Causes of the Saints has given a positive, that is, a favorable judgement. This means that both of the official censors librorum for the cause of Luisa have found nothing contrary to the faith in her writings, and her cause can now go forward.

At the end of the article on Luisa Picaretta here you can find the current position of the Church concerning her.

Thanks again for your comments and may God bless you and your loved ones,
Glenn Dallaire

Michael F. Ross said...

Thank you Glenn.

I wanted to let you know the information you have worked hard to make available and very readable/viewable has had strong impact on me in my conversion.

You are doing good work and may God continue to bless your efforts. Thank you.
Most Sincerely, Michael F. Ross

Veronica Brutosky C.S.J. said...

Dear Glenn,
I do prison ministry at CA. State prison for men at Avenal. The Chaplain asked me to encourage devotions to the inmates and now I am going to share with them your wonderful website. I will also share on Facebook, Twitter, and other places your work for Jesus on this site with a prayer that the information in it will open their hearts to grace. I often tell them they are the army of God in that prison of over 7,000 men because only anywhere from 8 to 10 or 25 or so show up for my presentations, so I encourage them to take courage and approach the other men with God's merciful messages. I hope, Glenn, that you have plans for others to carry on your work after God calls you someday.
Sister Veronica Brutosky C.S.J., a Sister of St. Joseph of Carondelet in CA. USA.

Glenn Dallaire said...

Hi Michael F. Ross,
It is nice to meet you. Thanks for your kind comments.

As you probaly read in the little "who I am" biography above, the Mystics of the Church had a huge impact on me and really were responsible for my conversion into the practice of the faith, so I understand well when you say that the Mystics of the Church have had a strong inpact on you in your conversion.

Anyway, thanks again Michael and may Jesus continue to draw you ever closer to Himself.
-Glenn Dallaire

Glenn Dallaire said...

Hi Sister Veronica Brutosky C.S.J.,

I am very happy to hear that you are enjoying this website. Thanks so much for your kind remarks and for your encouragement. It is still very much an ongoing "work in progress" and I hope to add many more articles as time goes on. And I do hope someday that one of my children will "take over the reins" of this website someday, if that would be the holy will of God.

I am very happy to hear of your prison ministry and I fervently pray that God may bless and guide you in your efforts to bring the Gospel to those who often are foresaken by society and are really in need of hearing it.

Union in the Hearts of Jesus and Mary,
Glenn Dallaire

Gina said...

Dear Mr. Dellaire,

I am grateful to God for finding your blog. We need more and more ammunition in the battle against the evil one, and your blog is a great source of such holy ammunition.

Is there any way to subscribe to this site,or get a reminder when new material is posted. I don't want to miss any of it.

God bless you and keep you and your family.

Yours in Christ and His ever-Virgin Mother,
Gina Nakagawa (new.englander1620@gmail.com)

Anonymous said...

Just to let you know your website is not obsolete. I am directed to your website many times when I google a mystic! Keep it up.

mosesfoo said...

Hello Glenn,

I forgot exactly how I actually came across your website and it was only a few days ago. In part it was through googling for mystic as in those most well known in the Church, particularly on St Teresa of Avila. when I noticed your website, I decided to check it out. Here, I would state that I want to read your content with mature spirit so as profit from the virtues of desiring for God and letting go the supernatural aspect out since I'm not particularly strong in spiritual life yet.

Nevertheless, thank you for your work and I will come back to discover more about life in God.

Moses Foo
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Anonymous said...

Dear Glenn,
I first discovered your beautiful website on
January 2nd,2013; after having seen a depiction
of Saint Gemma Galgani on lives of the saints,
featured on EWTN television. Thank you,
It has been a continual blessing to me.
Yours in the Sacred Hearts,

Anonymous said...

A fascinating sight. I definitely need to dig into these pages more deeply.


Anonymous said...

Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam.
Thank you for the awesome web site. Have enjoyed reading and learning, strengthing my faith.
Vaya con Dios, Viva Christo Rey!

Meridian Woman said...

The heart that seeks God will find Him, He is lovely,sweet, Nd brings fullness to the soul. in recent years God has brought me to a deeper awareness of Himself as I have learned to listen for His quiet whisper. My understanding of the mystics has grown at the same time. through unusual circumstances I have found myself in the possession of several of their writings. I find that a mystics closeness to God has a warmth that resonates with my own soul.

I wrote a book with some of my contemplations, prayers, and times of consolations written at a Lookout Point in California. It may interest you since it has that warmth of expression and sense of God's closeness. I will leave this info here: The Meeting Place, Moments with God at Lookout Point by N. L. brumbaugh.

Glenn Dallaire said...

Hi Norma,
Thanks for your comments and also the information about your book!
I pray that Jesus may continue to draw you ever closer to Himself.
May God bless you and your loved ones,
Glenn Dallaire

Meridian Woman said...

It will take me a few days to read the contents of your site. It will be of interest to me and informative as well.
Blessings to your family as well,

Anonymous said...

dear Glenn, thank you for this wonderful website. I have it marked as a favourite and visit it everyday. I stumbled across it when searching the internet for more about the church I cannot tell you how enriched my life and faith is now. God bless you and your family.
Anonymous A, Nigeria.

Glenn Dallaire said...

Hi Anonymous,
Thank you for your kind comments---I am very happy to hear that you are enjoying the website and have found it to be spiritually uplifting. May Jesus continue to draw you ever closer to Himself and may His Saints be your special advocates and heavenly friends!

-May God bless you and your loved ones!
Glenn Dallaire

Mario Perera said...

Dear Glenn thank you for your wonderfull work. This web sit I found about two years ago when I search for mystics and saints, and I fogot about it, with the work and all sorts of orther thing in life. But I had a accident and broke my knee about two months ago, and still cannot walk. So I spent my time in the net and again I searched for days for this. and I asked It from St.Faustina for this and found it again. Thanks to be to God!

Mario Perera from Sri Lanka

Glenn Dallaire said...

Hi Mario,
It is nice to meet you. Thanks for your comments.

I am sorry to hear about your broken leg--I pray that Jesus may help and heal you quickly! In the meantime, I am glad to hear that you are enjoying the website and I pray that it may be an inspiration to you, and may help to lead you ever closer to Jesus and Mary.

Best wishes and may God bless you and your loved ones!
-Glenn Dallaire

Unknown said...


Lord, carry us safely on Your shoulders
our feet hurt from the rocks and the boulders
the edgy stones, the thistles and the thorns
paved for us by coldhearted scorns

We feel total abandonment and rejection
we don't feel any compassionate affection

Father, why? Have You forsaken us ?
satan uses even his blunderbuss
to annihilate us, bringing us to despair
"he can't touch you, not even a single hair !"

Offer Me all your troubles and pain
I will change it into eternal gain
not only for you, but for many in need
of conversion, salvation, waiting to be freed

I see everything, I know everything about you
My children, I will never forsake you My beloved crew
but I need souls who willingly, freely sacrifice
and offer their sufferings so souls can win the prize

Take courage, My little ones, it's only a short time
I love you, I love you, You are so much Mine
Your Father will NEVER abandon you, NEVER EVER
especially NOT in these times of dangerous stormy weather.

I love you so much, Your Jesus.

Rita Biesemans, written after Eucharistic Adoration and a waterfall of tears
September 28 2012

Glenn Dallaire said...

Hi Rita,
Beautiful poem/prayer/reflection---thank you for sharing!

May God bless you and your loved ones,
-Glenn Dallaire

Unknown said...

Keep it up.. i am very much inspired of this site that whenever i need inspiration in life's roughness, i visit and read their lives..

Glenn Dallaire said...

Thanks Emily for your kind comment. I am really happy to hear that this website has been an inspiration for you.

Best wishes and may God bless you and your loved ones,
Glenn Dallaire

Unknown said...

Dear Glenn,

I was little late to know your work, I didn't know about this.I believe Jesus brought me here while I was searching about the ways to keep devil and its minions out of life.
The lives of mystics you brought for me often bring tears and When I read about little Nellie, I was weeping literally,I realized how small I am in faith in front of that sweet Child of GOD.

Thanks Glenn - with out your efforts I would not have got in touch with those inspiring lives of Saints and Mystics.

Love you in Jesus,

May god bless you

Dennison Abraham

Glenn Dallaire said...

Hi Dennison,
Thanks for your kind comments. I am really happy to hear that the lives of the Mystics that are presented here have been a inspiration for you. And yes, I wholeheartedly agree that little Nellie's faith and love for "holy God" is so remarkable and edifying!

Thanks again Dennison for your kind comments and may God bless you and your loved ones,
Glenn Dallaire

Anonymous said...


Your website has inspired me to reflect more on my RC faith and to reconcile with it even more. Like you I have led a largely indifferent life towards it up until now, where I'm beginning to see how spiritually neglectful I have been. I think working in computer technology as I do (like you), can do that sort of thing to you.

I also think that people today need religion like never before (just look at the state of the world), as Science and Technology seem to have replaced it in the minds of so many, making them disdain and reject it as an unnecessary intrusion in their modern secular lives.

Keep up the good work Glenn.

Irish visitor.

Glenn Dallaire said...

Hi "Irish visitor",
Thank you for your kind comments. I am glad to hear that you are enjoying the website. As for myself, I have found that technology--especially the internet---can be a such a great blessing, and can be used as a very powerful tool that Jesus can use to lead ourselves and others closer to Him, but as you well know unfortunately it can also influence people in negative ways. Yet, in my opinion I have found that if we try to please Jesus and seek Him--to try to love, to know and learn more about Him, then I have found that He inspires and guides us in so many different ways, and leads us to this or that book, or this or that website etc...I am always amazed at how Jesus and the Blessed Virgin Mary continually intercede for us before the Father, and place people or things in our path that help to lead us closer to Himself.

Anyway, thanks again for your kind comments. And "stay tuned" because I have many more articles that I plan to publish on this website, God willing. In fact, the next articles are on the sacred stigmata and then another on the Church approved apparitions in Kibeho, Africa, which as you may know, occurred in the 1980's and was approved in 2002.

-May God bless you and your loved ones,
Glenn Dallaire

Randy Hernandez said...

Praise be to God for such a wonderful website Bro. Daniel! You are doing a great service to mankind especially Him who sacrificed His life for us so that all humanity might be saved, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in obedience to our Heavenly Father Who created us and the Holy Spirit Who made it possible and through the intercession of our Blessed Mother Mama Mary and all the holy angels and saints.

Somehow my young adult years corresponds to what you went through early in life. And coincidentally, i too am an IT guy like you- thanks to our Lord's great mercy and His Mother's and our Mother, including the help of angels and saints i called upon during the darkest trials of my life physically and most especially spiritually- even though i'm still battling a lot of bad habits i acquired during my early sinful life. A hard battle indeed! But no matter, God is my refuge and defender!

I once made an inspirational website (quotes/excerpts from the Bible) during the late 90's which i dedicated to all who are undergoing such difficult trials (no longer runs unfortunately). It was the time when i underwent the greatest trial of my life which inspired me to make it.

Anyway, just thankful that i came upon your site. It really is a faith-inspiring site. I pray that many others would chance upon it, especially the non-believers that they might believe and turn to God as the only salvation they will ever need.

I've so many things to tell, but time constricts it as it would be very long.

Anyway, i'm from the Philippines, i would like ask if you knew about my fellow countryman, Bro. Stanley Villavicencio, whom our Lord Jesus brought back to life after being clinically dead for 3 days to spread devotion to His Divine Mercy, just as St. Faustina was the first advocate. He had been around the world spreading the devotion and messages of our Lord. He attended the canonization of St. Faustina in 2000 and made his testimony in front of bishops and priests present at that time. He has the approval of the catholic church and was first invited by EWTN in the US to give his testimony on the Divine Mercy.

Hope you can get to know him (if ever you don't know him yet:)) and see if you can also mention him in your website.

You can google search him :).

Thank you bro and God bless you, your family and endeavors always.

To God be the glory!!!

Yours in Christ Jesus,

Randy Hernandez

Anonymous said...

Thank you Sir Glenn for creating this site...it is so wonderful to read. May the Lord help you to create more sites ....

God really love us...because He inspire someone as you Sir Glenn to research and create this very amazing sites...

May the Lord bless you and your family....

agnes cruz said...

Hello Sir Glenn, i hope that you also include in this site, the story of Sir Stanley Villavicencio as stated by Sir Randy Hernandez is his comment here. I was able to read Sir Stanley's story and it was great.

Thank you so much for this site.

Glenn Dallaire said...

Thank you Agnes for the information about Mr. Stanley Villavicencio.

May God bless you and your loved ones.
Glenn Dallaire

Anonymous said...

I love your story and may God bless you and what you are doing to spread our faith!!!

Dr. Sielda Gomes said...

hi i accidentally came cross your site, and i really love reading about the lives of saints.

Unknown said...


nikkitita said...

I was just curious on the life of Claude Newmann so i searched for him and found his biography here, and I just realized that reading the life of the Mystics of the Church is just a better way to spend time rather than reading the unlimited posts on social network and I thank God I found your website and such a blessing its nice to know you have other website so I'm gonna be checking on those on my free time ;) truly the life of the saints and the miracles of the Church, the miracles of our Lord and our Lady is incomparable to any novels or famous fiction books or stories out there. Its simply beautiful to read and instead of speaking gossip to your friend it would be nice to talk about the life of the saints and such, which is truly amazing.

God bless us all!

Unknown said...

I was just reading up about St Anthony of Padua and how baby Jesus came to be in his arms and then I stumbled on your website. I am so happy with your website as it mentions Maria Simma and Maria Valtorta, which these women I have heard of and read a bit about them but there are so many more that I don't know of, which I believe reading about the others on your website is much better than reading magazines and going on Facebook. Thank you so much for setting up this website and may God bless you. I am going to go and read some more things on your website and be inspired by these less unknown mystics and hopefully get some answers to questions in my life and the journey that I am on. Jesus I love you!

Glenn Dallaire said...

Thanks Noleen for your kind comments. I am really very happy to hear that you are inspired by this website. May the mystic-saints continue to lead you ever closer to Jesus and Mary!
May God bless you and your loved ones,
-Glenn Dallaire

Anonymous said...

Dear Glenn,
This is a great website, very well-written and absorbing. Thank you for doing this and God Bless you.

Anonymous said...

Glen, thank you so much for this work you do.

I am pretty careful most of the time, but I am among those who fell for the entire Locutions to the World business. I always check out the spiritual advisor, and while I did visit with Msgr. John Esseff more than once on the phone that was a while ago, and before he withdrew from that.

Nice to see a profoundly detailed compilation of folks Catholics can trust. Please keep going for all of us...as a college teacher I admire you writing and your documentation. Jeff in Minnesota

Glenn Dallaire said...

Hi Jeff,
Thanks so much for your kind message and also your words of encouragement.

I too have had a couple of very trying experiences with purported mystics, however if we desire it God can always draw good out out everything, even unpleasant experiences.

Thanks again Jeff and may God bless you and your loved ones.
Glenn Dallaire

Anonymous said...

Thanks for putting this page together. I stumbled upon it by searching for stories on the internet of souls in purgatory asking those living for they're prayers, as I often pray them. Your webpage encouraged me to pray for them more fervently! ~ Rick Robinson

Anonymous said...

I also came across this looking for something, and I emailed you. Hope to chat soon.

Anonymous said...

I pray that God may keep this website running until the end of time. Satan hates this so much.

Danielle said...

There is no blow to the hope of the faithful with the death of Joseph Lomangino. And the Apparition is true.


The Beginning of Knowledge(Read)

Many believed that Joey would receive new eyes. This was a riddle and it is time for the faithful to know the

1 Corinthians 2:6-16

Wisdom from the Spirit(Read)


Joseph means: "He will add"

Lo means: The in Italian

Mangino has no meaning as it is- it derives from the name: Mancino.

Mancino means: "Left handed person".

Joey's name and what was said of him is actually a hidden message, a mystery and riddle of God. It is to be re-
vealed now for, the time is at hand.

The message in this riddle is: "New eyes will be given to the left handed person."

Who is the left handed person? Scripture reveals: MATTHEW 25:40-42 (The Sheep and the Goats)

…40And the King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of Mine,
you did for Me.’ 41Then He will say to those on His left, ‘Depart from Me, you who are cursed, into the eternal
fire prepared for the devil and his angels. 42For I was hungry and you gave Me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and
you gave Me nothing to drink,…

The left handed person is he who is at the left hand of God. They are the accursed ones. They give nothing, they
contribute nothing and their works come to naught!

They are of the wide path and many follow their wanton conduct.

The meaning of the flaming square and triangle with the eye. The square means symmetry. Since God is a God
of order there is balance and symmetry which is of His kingdom. The Kingdom of heaven is going to overthrow
the rulers of this world and its current darkness. They are going to be given sight of the Lamb on the throne.

are going to feel His wrath, THE RETRIBUTION OF THE LAMB= REVELATION 6:12-17.( READ)

This will occur when the 144,000 of Rev.7:1-8 occurs. This is currently happening and will soon be complete.
This has to do with the Rev.12 sign that appeared and concluded over Israel. The triangle and the eye,
is the Masonic, Illuminati,

OCCULT symbol . The square is on fire because the Lord is going consume and destroy them. This ruling body who practice this
occult garbage are going to receive a BLOW TO THE HEAD! The falling away of many kingdoms and their
Masonic Rulers is at hand.It is revealed in the Song of Mary, THE MAGNIFICAT. The Bride will be pre-
served= the CHURCH, THE ELECT. This will be an exodus type event, but global. All of which in the end is
about Israel. In Revelation 6, in says “hide us from the FACE of Him Who sits upon the throne” This is the
sight given them right before His wrath. All will know the Lamb is God. For those who see the Son, see the Fa-
ther. This is a terrifying vision, NOT Christ’s second Coming, a terrifying APPARITION!

Unknown said...

Hi Glenn,

Thank you so much for the fantastic blog and all the hard work that you have obviously put in to it. You really are doing the Lord's work through this website.

God bless you!


Glenn Dallaire said...

Thanks Harry for your kind comments! I am really happy to hear that you are inspired by the website. May our mystic-saint friends in heaven continue to inspire you, and may God bless you and your loved ones.
Glenn Dallaire

Danielle said...

In message of Garabandal, before the Warning and Miracle it speaks a aTribulation period. This is the first Woe of Revelation 12.
All events for these end of days coincide with Mary our Mother fulfilling her work in the Elect. We fully being
Christ like. This is the bringing forth in our souls, "The Male Child" who was caught up to God's throne. Since
he was already caught up as the prophecy says , then for sure this is a bringing forth as I said , in the soul. This
is done with Mary our Mother through the umbilical cord of our faith "The Rosary". Though the dragon stands
ever before her, to devour her Child, she prevails and accomplishes what is purposed by God. What I am pre-
senting is for now. This is a war= first WOE. Ezekiel 38-39. Rosh="HEAD" who will head this war or who is
the HEAD of the enemies of God's people. "GOG" meaning: Enemies of God's people, and rules "MAGOG"=
lands ruled by satan. We are given a description of who these will be. "MESHECH"= long or tall and are
drawn out by force. They are who are "TUBAL"= forgers of all implements of bronze and iron. I have re-
searched this and bronze and iron were developed in earlier times, and the metals were harvested from the Ko-
rean Peninsula: search (Heritage of Japan) iron and bronze implements.

So, this is the nation of people known for this. They will carry out=be drawn out by force=(force which governs
them) and bring about this war. "TOGARMAH"= they are that which is all bone= have no substance= no faith
in the God of Israel, OUR GOD! Now we have to look at "ROSH" because this is who actually is the HEAD of
these nations who will take part in this war which will be instigated by this nation of bronze and iron imple-
ments. "MESHECH" meaning: long or tall- concerning their history and establishment as a people. Not like
America. ROSH the head is RUSSIA, the clue is in Ezekiel 38:5-6: 5 Persia, Ethiopia and Libya with them; all
of them with shield and helmet: These all have an alliance with Russia. Therefore, military and weapons fund-
ing comes by Russia=gets weapons. North Korea does too. All these nations are Islamic or atheist. hence of
bones= NO FAITH IN OUR GOD. "GOMER" meaning: (COMPLETION), these nations complete the BONE
NATIONS. We know the ancient Persian empire then and today consist of: Eight nations which have coasts
along the Persian Gulf: Baharin, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates.
The gulfs strategic location has made an ideal place for human development over time. Today, many major cit-
ies of the Middle east are located in this region. Turkey and Egypt will play a role in this war too. Along with
China due to its alliance with Russia.

Ezekiel38:6 GOMER, all his bands; the house of TOGARMAH of the north quarters, and all his bands: and
many people with thee.

God Bless! And may God protect us, love in Christ to all!

Danielle said...

Forgive some of the hiccups of my last post, I was sneezing my head off when I was typing. The opening of that should went like this:In (the) message- and....it speaks (of a tribulation event). Now moving on. Concerning naysayers of Garabandal:
Reading what is placed before us in scripture, the word teaches us and tells us how to test spirits. We learn in:


4 Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are
gone out into the world.

2 Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God:

3 And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit
of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world.

4 Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in
the world.

5 They are of the world: therefore speak they of the world, and the world heareth them.

6 We are of God: he that knoweth God heareth us; he that is not of God heareth not us. Hereby know we the
spirit of truth, and the spirit of error.

THE FIRST”CONFESSING” occurred at the inception of Christianity and is what John is referring to. Luke
1:28 28 And the angel came in unto her, and said, Hail, thou that art highly favoured, the Lord is with thee:
blessed art thou among women.

and Luke1:42 by a person,Eliasabeth

42 And she spake out with a loud voice, and said, Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy

This is the "Confessing" that is the test, in 1John 4:1-6. For John said all spirits must confess this."2 Hereby
know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that JESUS CHRIST is come in the flesh is of God:

That means all spirits! This in man and angels and all apparitions. John knows Christ is God that is why he says JESUS CHRIST
is come in the flesh, for Jesus Christ is God Incarnate," The Incarnation", and whose flesh did Jesus Christ come
JESUS CHRIST IS OF GOD. Do you get it?

Danielle said...

Continued from above:
This is what False lying spirits in the guise of the word "Christians "who interpret 1John4:2 as saying. This is

deception, and is because the devils can not and will not exalt Mary as God has. This false interpretation de-

nies the Holy Spirit conception of Jesus Christ. God is begotten and not made. Jesus IS God the Son.

Devils, demons fallen angels, whatever, can not and will not do this, this is different than- them knowing who

Christ is and was born of a Virgin. This is exaltation! The glorifying of the "Incarnation" which is not God en-

tering into Jesus but God who is Jesus entering into a vessel of flesh. For Christ is truly God. He, becoming

God in man happened in Mary and no other thing can come to be of the faith without this Incarnation. God the

Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. The Holy Trinity. To deny the "Confessing" of the "Incarnation"

is denial that Christ is God, begotten and not made. Devils get some to believe , God is made, when actually

God was conceived and made a man, in Mary. Tricky! Satan is sly but God is WISE!

And now brings us to more clearly understand Christ words:Matthew 7:21-23 21 Not every one that saith unto

me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in


22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast

out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?

23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity. This refers to
the Protestant movement which rejects Our Mothers Role for the Body of Christ. They are NOT doing His Fa-
ther's will.

As I said:

Many people think they are Christian and think they are doing mighty deeds in Christ' name. Christ is letting

them know they only used His name. They where never in Him because they deny the "Incarnation". They do

and say a lot of Jesus this and Jesus that, yet can not do and will not do the "Confessing". We are called to test

all spirits as the Elect, by Luke1:28 and Luke1:42. It is putting the Ark of the New Covenant before entering

into fellowship ,many will fall before it. It is the tool used for going into battle and coming out Victorious!

If one can not or will not confess Luke1:28 and Luke1:42 then you know what you are dealing with. That

means any person or apparition. I am sending this due to all the debate and controversy surrounding the Gara-

bandal Apparition. And those who are believers should not be worried about the naysayers .

Danielle said...

My point: Our Mother taught the girls how to pray the Rosary and the Rosary has the "Confessing" that John says is necessary to test spirits. She not only taught them it, she herself recited it -as to in the manner in which is most befitting of its utterance. God Bless!

Nandarani said...

Finally looked at all the contents in list form and see where the site is situated. The luminous mysteries are not authentic and changed what Our Lady gave. I remember once hearing that in a certain not difficult way of counting, one reaches 666 - using that mystery making a total of four instead of three. I forget how.

I am one of those who is profoundly affected by the changes Paul VI made in the rites of ordination and consecration making the mass a meal instead of a sacrifice and rendering the priest powerless compared to what he was in all previous ages of the Church, and by what I saw at Our Lady of Peace Cathedral here in Honolulu - it is the flagship RCC for the Islands! - high altar abandoned, table stuck in mid-knave, female servers, and presider's chairs. It after conversion into the NO, when I began regularly attending was clearly less Catholic than the Episcopal Church in which I was raised in it - it has since changed. Oh, I am sorry to see you are trusting Paul VI. But I certainly understand how difficult it is to move an entire family into something different which may not even exist where you are as it does not exist in Hawai'i.

The site works for people like myself which anything in it pre-1958 (!) Thank you very very much. I look forward to reading about St. Paul of the Cross.

Tom Kelly said...

Dear Glenn
I believe you are fulfilling an essential aspect of our faith. Thank you. I have enjoyed learning about Marcel Van through your site. I will send you what I have written from his quotations.
Just a quick point; for those visitors who are not catholic, perhaps it is best to explicitly say that the relics in the rosary and the locket are not for sale, but freely given. The purchase is for the rosary, not the relic.
Again, great work!
Tom Kelly

Glenn Dallaire said...

Hi Tom,
It is great to hear from you-- I am really happy to hear that you are enjoying the website and the info about Marcel Van! Thanks for your kind comments and also the suggestion. I sincerely appreciate it.

Unknown said...

The War of Gog and Magog in full swing , growing in strength . Too, to come- cosmic events and the Twos witnesses. . The Man of sin who is already here, to be revealed soon very soon. The Masonic , Illuminati Zionist the Talmud Kabbalah touting puppets of evil are fulfilling the Left hand of prophecy. Everything is on the brink. Gog of Magog will bring desolation. The abolishing of the daily sacrifice THE TRUE CHRISTIAN MASS, celebrating the thanksgiving (THE EUCHARIST) in Israel is coming very soon. The abomination of desolation will replace it. The re-establishing of animal sacrifice by the synagogue of satan , which has been performed at the foot of what is called "The Temple Mount" is soon to become (THE ONLY) acceptable sacrifice. This will extend to all nations signed on to the Noahide Laws of the Talmud. Yeah the same Talmud that Christ calls "Those deep things of satan" . It is the core of all Masonic, Illuminati practices. The esoteric things of DARKNESS is reaching its pinnacle.
Blessing to all in Christ Jesus.

Unknown said...

I don't know what to click on the website to read all articles, I ran across a bewitching hour article, I am sure there are other interesting articles I can read but they just appear on the side. How can I read all articles? There is no page of the sort, sorry I am a noob with this.

Anonymous said...

I have probably guessed correctly the mystic you had turned away from. Her name is Marie-Paule Giguere no doubt. I realize you have read all the volumes of Life of Love but to what truth did you not find in them? In the last volume and especially within the first few pages of the book you would have come to the realization that she had been told by Eva Peerdeman in the chapel of the Lady of All Peoples in Amsterdam on September 24 1978 she was the Handmaid. The Blessed Virgin's soul was in her with the intention of bringing Christ back to this world. She was born upon this earth to repair Eve's sin and is recognized as the Lady of All Peoples in being the Co-Redemptrix, Mediatrix,and Advocate. Yes, she has been sanctified and has been divinized in the heart of God the Father. A glorious mystery is slowly unfolding through the sacrifice and suffering of this holy woman. My only hope is you see through clearly what the Community of the Sons and Daughters of Mary is all about.

Glenn Dallaire said...

Hi Anonymous,
Thanks for your comments. Its nice to hear from you.

Yes, you guessed correctly concerning Marie-Paule Giguere (or Mother Paul-Marie as we would call her). Its such a long story with so much history I couldn't even begin to touch upon it here. And yes, I've read all of the volumes of "Life of Love", some multiple times. I've read "Le Royuame" going back to the 1980's (I actually requested all the back issues I could get and read them all), not to mention most of her other books and booklets going back to the 1970's. Basically all that I could get my hands on.

In summary, over the years I met with Mother Paul-Marie privately on a number of occasions, and because I don't speak French we communicated through translators. I had sent her many, many letters and emails over the years, and I was always very frank with her, and I always received a reply from the good sisters who attended her, often with personal comments from Mother Paul-Marie herself. And Fr. Denis Laprise was my spiritual director for awhile. And when the "Doctrinal Note" was issued by the Canadian Bishops back in 2001, it was I who actually informed her of it via an email (ie- she found out through me, and she was happy that I was the one who informed her of it).

I have so many little stories like that! And when I left the "Work" back in 2007 because of the excommunication, I emailed her to let her know, and she understood my point of view very, very well. Notwithstanding, I was there at her funeral at Spiri-Maria. I would never have missed that!

All this to say that I know very well all that is said and believed concerning her--who she is claimed to be--and her purported mission. And I have written and touched upon some of it here on this website, as you may have seen. But what very much remains to be seen is whether of not what is said is actually true. Man proposes, God disposes. And in her case, man (ie- Mark Bosquart and others) have proposed quite a proposition in the "Quinternity"!

And lets be very frank, honest and sincere now with this---What has remained since her passing, and very much remains now, is for God to confirm it all--in a miraculous way of His choosing, like He did with Jesus--and as the years have been passing since her death in 2015, its looking less and less like this is going to happen as the years pass. As for myself, I remain to this day very much open minded concerning what "men" have proposed concerning her--but up to this point it is all based on the testimony of man. Its for God now to confirm it if it is true. Otherwise, its all just a work of "man", based on the testimony of "man". As the saying goes "time will tell", but the passing of time so far has not been favorable towards the "Work", as the elderly members get sick and die off one by one, and the younger members lose interest. Let's be honest and sincere--with Mother Paul-Marie gone some 6 years now, the "Work" or "Community" is slowly withering and dying.

But if God ever does confirm it all to be true, I would literally be the one of the happiest men alive! God knows how often I've thought and said that! The apostles were very lucky to only have Jesus three days in the tomb. There uncertainly was very, very short lived. Until the resurrection changed all that....

So there you have my .02 cents in all frankness and sincerity, and for whatever its worth. Thanks again for your comment and I welcome any response, if you so choose to respond.
May God bless you and your loved ones.
-Glenn Dallaire

Anonymous said...

The work of the Lady of All Peoples will never die. As the mystery behind Marie-Paule's life gradually unfolds,the truth will be revealed in giving full understanding as to the proclamation made in 2007 to her full identity. In due time she will be ultimately recognized as Co-Redemptrix, Mediatrix, and Advocate.

Glenn Dallaire said...

Hi Anonymous,
Dear God, how I hope that you are right! Meantime however the years are swiftly passing and so are the older members, while many of the younger ones have lost or are losing interest.

Not that the Community was ever all the large to begin with since the Excommunication in 2007--perhaps a few thousand active members at best, that is, members who closely followed and knew exactly what was being presented and stated concerning Mother Paul-Marie. Since 2007, the active members could barely fill the Spiri-Maria chapel and the basement during the major ceremonies. So, in relation to the 2 billion Christians and 8 billion world population, its always been but a drop in the bucket, and not at all significant or impactful for Catholic church, and certainly not for humanity as a whole. In truth, the vast sea of humanity has never even heard of Mother Paul-Marie, and to be very honest-- could care less. In other words, its nothing like the times of Jesus and early Christianity where the faith constantly increased and grew exponentially at the preaching and miracles of the apostles and disciples. Quite the opposite is occurring in the Community.

So, as I say and have said for quite a few years now--its up to God to confirm it all through a miraculous event or events. Otherwise, the Community for all its grandiose beliefs (for example, Mother Paul-Marie being part of God--the Fourth person of the "Quinternity" etc.) etc) will continue to wither away as it has been since 2007, and eventually it will completely die off.

So yes, time will tell! Given the years that have passed so far I just don't think we should hold our breath though...

And sorry if my frankness seems strong to you--I'm just telling it like it truly is.

May God bless you and your loved ones,

Anonymous said...

Today April 25/2021 marks the sixth anniversary of Mother Paul-Marie's death. This year is also the 100th. anniversary of her birth, the 50th. anniversary of the founding of the Army of Mary, and the 40th. anniversary of the founding of the Family of the Sons and Daughters of Mary and of the Community of the Sons and Daughters of Mary. When she was 85 years of age she entered Spiri-Maria dressed as the Lady of All Peoples. She crowned Padre Jean-Pierre, the Father of the Church of John, the renewed Church.Being English myself, I recognize Marie-Paule as the Lady of All Peoples, Sovereign of the Earth, Mother of the Kingdom, and part of the Divine Quuinternity. When dealing in frankness terms, it is my opinion you fail to recognize a renewed theology involving the Divine Quinternity. It is wise to remember the words of Gamaliel when the apostles were brought before the council in their refusal not to stop preaching about Jesus Christ. Gamaliel stepped in and said, "Keep away from these men and let them alone, for if this plan or this undertaking is of man it will fail; but if it is of God, you will not be able to overthrow them. You might even be found opposing God!" My question for you is simple. Is the Church of John heretical along with Marie-Paule Giguere the foundress of the Community of the Sons and Daughters of Mary?

of man, king

Glenn Dallaire said...

Hi Anonymous,
Thanks for your comments. I very much agree with the quote of Gamaliel, and in fact I used that very same quote in my article on Marie-Paule. Thats essentially my current position.

You asked "My question for you is simple. Is the Church of John heretical along with Marie-Paule Giguere the foundress of the Community of the Sons and Daughters of Mary?"

Of course that's not for me to determine--that's for the Catholic church to decide, and the Church has decided back in 2007 that anyone who chooses to remain in the Community of the Sons and Daughters of Mary automatically excommunicates himself/herself. So, its indeed the decision and position of the Catholic church that the Community and its beliefs are heretical.

Hence the reason I personally left the Community back in 2007. I would not want to risk the salvation of my soul upon the private revelations of an alleged visionary, and the theological interpretations of certain "theologians" who have followed her.

The private revelation of this or that visionary\mystic never supersedes the authority of the Church upon which Christ founded upon Peter and the apostles. That's the faith of our fathers and the Saints throughout the centuries, and one does well to have the humility to always give obedience to the authority of the Church, over one's own opinions and personal beliefs. That's the faith of our fathers and the Saints down the centuries, even when unjustly persecuted by certain religious within the Church.

As I have said, time will tell concerning the Community, but as the years pass so far its really looking more and more like a "work" of man, than of God, with members passing away, members leaving, the youth becoming disinterested etc... Just my .02 cents anyway.

May God bless you and your loved ones,
Glenn Dallaire

Dan Brandner said...

Glenn, thank you for the work you've put into this mysticofthechruch website which I recently stumbled across. It has certainly stirred in me more searching and longing. I especially enjoyed reading about St. Gemma Galganni, who I had never really read about before. Today I looked for more books on her in our church library, but finding none, picked up one on Padre Pio instead. I hope to read more on your site as time permits.
I also have begun a website[https://danbrandner.com/?page_id=2909] to capture what I can about a relative, Fr. Casimir Michael Cypher who was martyred in Honduras in 1975. I'm trying to pull all the information I can about him and his life into one place. While not a mystic that we know of, the Bishop of Olancho[Honduras - 2013] has initiated the process of canonization to sainthood, the first step, recognition as “Servant of God”. I believe this to be all part of my own spiritual path, both my drive to write/record about my relative and to run across sites like yours to inspire and aid my journey.

Thank you and God Bless you!

Glenn Dallaire said...

Hi Dan,
Thanks for your kind message---it's great to hear from you.

Also I'm glad to hear of your website and the info about Fr. Casimir Michael Cypher--thanks for sharing this info. I hope that his cause progresses well.
Best wishes and please keep in touch.

June E. Dahl said...

Dear Glenn, This is just a note, to let you know how much I appreciate and have appreciated your excellent articles, videos and, especially, this site devoted to the Mystics of the Catholic Church. I have always, been Catholic, but, have glided in and out of more intense and enthusiastic devotional practices and piety, and am regretfully not anything spectacular, but, a very ancient widow, now, . . . too old for any convent to even consider enrolling me . . . so , I try to build my spirituality around, daily mass, with a sort of life of a hermit. No one, flocks to my door, now ,at 79 (just turned 79) years! I manage to keep a basic standard of upkeep and hygiene and live alone, occasionally, broken by a visit from my youngest son. I have had four children and have 6 grandchildren! They are spread around the Western world: a daughter in France, and son in Sweden, and a son in Florida, USA and, luckily, a son in Oslo, Norway. My husband died in 2004. I have had a piano career and taught general music both in MA, USA and in Norway where I am an ex-pat! Now, I play the organ, at the local Catholic Church, for High mass on Sundays. We vary with one Latin mass , on week , and then , the other 2 following weeks, two different vernacular masses, which , the congregation knows how to sing. We have four hymns which vary according to the liturgical seasons. We have a very sweet, holy Polish priest, who takes care of many, many souls in our district. I married a Norwegian ,whom I met in MA, USA, back in 1967! I have lived in Norway, since, 1969, and visited my family on and off, through out the years. My husband and I lived in the State of Rhode Island for a short time in the 1980 ´s, but, moved back to Norway, which he preferred (and , I must admit, that I did , too). I guess that I missed all the cod fish and snow ?! hehe ! Norway has been, predominately Lutheran and now, more or less, socialist and secular, although, there is , in the personality of most Norwegians, a deep reverence for the holy and the spiritual. These very SERIOUS people, who do a lot of reading , here, during the dark, dank winter months! They have a "gallows"-type of humour and are all the same, charming! I love your programs and enjoy reading all about the "mystics" VERY MUCH. THANK YOU FOR BEING SO SMART AND DEVOTED TO COLLECTING ALL THE DETAILS OF THESE AMAZINGLY WONDERFUL MYSTICAL SOULS. Yours truly, June E. Dahl.

Glenn Dallaire said...

Hi June!
Its nice to hear from you. Thank you for your kind message. I'm very happy to hear that you have been enjoying this website, and it is really a great joy for me to hear that you have been edified and uplifted through the site. My hope for all of my websites has always been that in some small way they might help to bring souls closer to Jesus and Mary.
Thanks again June for your kind message and may God bless you and your loved ones.

Unknown said...

So Glenn I purchased some nice pictures and items related to my patron Saint Gemma some time ago.Still devoted. I found a group on Facebook from Italy. Very unfriendly I think because It am American...any suggestions?

SR. Cécile said...

Dear Mr. Glenn,

Today, March 21, 2023, I am discovering your excellent site. I am overjoyed by your contribution of excellent reading of the saints of old and of our contemporary saints. I am familiar with quite of few of the ones you mention. BTW, Rhoda Wise was familiar to our Mother Angelica. Is this among your discoveries? If you you do know, when you have an extra minute, would you kindly remind me what is the connection between the two holy women of God for our times today. Looking forward to hearing from you in God's time.

For Life, Family and more (sort of my motto as I am a local pro lifer for over thirty years)

Abundant graces to you and lovely family.

À Holy and fruitful Lenten season and on our way to Our Blessed Lord's Resurrection!

Sr Cécile a true Acadian in Canada

Glenn Dallaire said...

Hello Sr Cécile!
It is really great to hear from you. Thank you for your kind comment and for the information that you provided.

Yes, not long after Mother Angelica passed away I got some information about her remarkable cure through the intercession of Rhoda Wise, and I published it on this website here:
Rhoda Wise and the cure of Mother Angelica

When it comes to the Church authorities, given all of the "complexities" which surround alleged mystics, I presume Mother Angelica was probably rightfully quite hesitant to comment much on Rhoda Wise's intercession in her remarkable healing. But after her passing, and the passing of many years, the story is now more free to be spread.

Thanks again Sr Cécile for your kind message and may Jesus bless you and your loved ones and may the Blessed Virgin Mary cover you under Her heavenly mantle.
-Glenn Dallaire
