How the St Therese of the Child Jesus "Little Flower" relic lockets are made

Explanation of how the Saint Therese "Little Flower" relic lockets and relic crucifix (shown above) are made
Example of relic pouches used to make the relic lockets
The fragment of cloth relic inside the Saint Therese of the Child Jesus "Little Flower" relic lockets come from original authentic relic pouches and relic holy cards issued by the Carmelites in Lisieux, France, with the Carmelite seal stamped on each relic pouch/holy card.  I have obtained these oftentimes vintage relics over the years from various sources, and these are the cloth relics that are placed inside the lockets. 

These relics are usually labelled "Étoffe ayant touché a Sainte Thérèse de l'Enfant Jésus" which translated means "Cloth touched to Saint Therese of the Child Jesus", so these would be considered 3rd class relics.

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