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June 24, 2022--Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus |
Other Heavenly Signs?
In addition, June 24, 2022 marked exactly 41 years of the Virgin Mary reportedly first coming to Medjugorje on June 24, 1981.
Thus, in addition to this most noteworthy event of the end of Roe vs Wade occurring on the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and also the traditional date of the Birth of St John the Baptist, many Medjugorje believers may also see today's Supreme Court decision as a sign from Heaven that Our Lady of Medjugorje has completed Her initial work, and a great victory for Jesus and our Blessed Mother after exactly 41 years of Her ongoing call at Medjugorje for humanity to return to God.
41 Years of Medjugorje completed--What next? The time of the Secrets to be fulfilled?
One is left wondering--will now begin the time of the "Secrets" or "Promises" of Medjugorje, which if authentic will certainly significantly shake humanity if brought to realization, revealing a greater effort by heaven to wake people up and call them to return to God, and morality? Time will tell. Meantime we thank the Sacred Heart of Jesus for this wonderful and significant event that has occurred today.
-Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy upon us! Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us!
What is really disturbing is that there are currently many thousands of people around the country who are now protesting that they are no longer being allowed to kill their own babies. Think about that for a moment. We have a significant population that literally embodies the demonic culture of death and destruction. Scary.
Thanks for the comment. As time passes, dividing lines are starkly being drawn between the forces of good and those of evil, and each must choose their own side. Sitting lukewarm on the fence or in the middle of the road will soon no longer be an option, it seems. Everyone should choose wisely in what they stand for.
-Glenn Dallaire
People who force the unwilling to birth children will not enter the kingdom of heaven. Those responsible for this ban on women's rights will burn in the lake for all eternity. Their name is legion and they are many. When the lord Jesus returns, and sees the evil fruits of their abortion bans, they will be defeated and cast into oblivion.
Hi Anonymous (directly above),
I almost never delete comments, so I will not delete yours, but nevertheless I assume that you are just trolling here, as your comment is the anti-thesis of Christian belief that all human life is sacred and that all life is created in God's image. If you really believe what you are stating then I can only say that this definitely is not the website for you.
-Glenn Dallaire
Our pro-abortion Catholic President today urged Congress to restore Roe as federal law.
Why do the Bishops and Cardinals allow this man to receive Holy Communion?
Seriously? Have you read the ruling instead of the talking point memo from Nancy Pelosi, NO ONE is "forcing the unwilling to birth children"; but now thanks to the Supreme Court, the ubiquitous nationwide murder of children just because they are considered an inconvenience will be greatly restricted. Praise God!
Hi Anonymous,
You asked: "Our pro-abortion Catholic President today urged Congress to restore Roe as federal law. Why do the Bishops and Cardinals allow this man to receive Holy Communion?"
I'll take a shot at this and point out that while Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi and others like them claim to be Catholic, according to the Catechism of the Catholic Church they have actually automatically excommunicated themselves through their public and formal support for abortion--so in reality they are not Catholic.
As for why the Bishop of Biden's diocese does not do what Pelosi's bishop recently did and ban him from Holy Communion, one can only surmise that either he agrees with Biden, or else he is morally a coward. Jesus did not hesitate whatsoever to call out the Pharisees for their hypocrisy and evil actions when it was called for.
-Those are my conclusions for whatever they are worth.
May God bless you and your loved ones,
I really hate to see fellow Christians/Catholics say stuff like this. It makes us come across as harsh, judgemental and unforgiving. As Luke 15:7 says, “…there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous people who have no need of repentance.” Let us pray for their conversion so all of heaven can rejoice!
Thank you for your inspirational and blessed commentary! Just a point of clarification... June 24, 2022 actually completed FORTY-ONE full years of the Medjugorje apparitions. (June 24, 1982 was one full year, June 24, 1983 was two full years, June 24, 1991 was ten full years, June 24, 2001 was twenty full years, June 24, 2011 was thirty full years, and June 24, 2021 was forty full years.) Perhaps the significance is similar, but I believe we should not appear too mathematically challenged when we seek to share Our Lady's message of God's truths and special guidance for these times. Every best and blessing to you and all whose lives you touch in these challenging, yet renewing times. Michael Petrides
Thank you Michael Petrides! I amended the article to reflect the info that you provided. Very much appreciated!
Yes. One has to wonder about Chief Justice, Roberts.
Because they are cowards
This overturning of Roe v Wade which we have been praying for for 50 years was not even mentioned at Mass this morning. No mention whatsoever. Considering how many States are planning on banning abortions now, and how many lives will now be saved, is it not even worth a mention of thanksgiving to God at Mass?
As a side note concerning Medjugorje, I would have thought the purported message yesterday--the day after the monumental overturning of Roe vs Wade and first message afterwards--would have included a significant mention of the event, given how many millions of lives that have been lost over the 50 years, and how many will now be saved in the many States that will now ban abortion. Yet all that was said was "I rejoice with you..", and its not clear to me whether this statement is even pertaining to the Supreme Court decision?
-Just my own observation and perspective, for whatever its worth.
Latest Medjugorje Message, June 25, 2022
“Dear children I rejoice with you and thank you for every sacrifice and prayer which you have offered for my intentions. Little children, do not forget that you are important in my plan of salvation of mankind. Return to God and prayer that the Holy Spirit may work in you and through you. Little children, I am with you also in these days when Satan is fighting for war and hatred. Division is strong and evil is at work in man as never before. Thank you for having responded to my call.”
Of course, I have no way of knowing, but I thought the June 25 message could certainly apply to the ruling (in addition to other matters): "I rejoice with you ..." (as we celebrate the monumental overturning of Roe v Wade)..."...and thank you for every sacrifice and prayer which you have offered for my intentions." (think of all those who have prayed and sacrificed over these many years for the protection of life, as Our Lady has requested.) "Little children, do not forget that you are important in my plan of salvation of mankind. ..." (we are asked by Heaven to pray, fast, sacrifice and work for the cause of life and all of Heaven's intentions; we have our part to play!) Just a thought ....
My thoughts on this topic is pretty simple. Why kill a child who has no blame when their Mom has decided that the results of their sexual encounter, whether married or not produces a new life, and they don,t want it. We are not animals and do have the ability to restrain from every little whim we have, be it having sex for just a fun time...forgetting the possible consequences. As a nurse I viewed a recently spontaneously aborted baby lying in a bedpan in our utility room. The baby was about at 3-4 months gestation. Baby,s skin colour was red but had fingernails and eyelashes and and eyebrows etc. all the details that a newborn would have. I often wonder if people knew these things would their hearts allow them to continue with their abortion plans? Shirley
Very well said Shirley! Thank you for your comment.
The Blessed rarely comments in public messages on political and specific matters. Also, while we can "feel" the USA is the center of the world, we are a mere 6% of the worlds population and I don't feel, messages are specific to our little corner of the world. I tend to take the message, into my heart as to how it speaks to whether I am doing homage to the heart of the message and meditate on where I personally, need some improvement.
*The Blessed Mother * (oops)
Praised Be Jesus
Medjugorie is phony.
It was at the TLM!
You'd think they'dbe embarrassed.
Research online Scientifically proven Our Lord Jesus Blood Type discovered in the Holy Eucharist as part of the Catholic Faith, the one true Faith that is. Life is Sacred, innocent lives matter. How about women respect themselves and men wait until Marriage to have sex learn to control ourselves after all we are not wild animals. May Our Blessed Lord direct you and all onto the right path through the same Christ Our Lord Amen, Our Lady Of Sorrows Pray For Us & The Whole World🙏💔💔💔
Yes I think so too after all the two local Bishops do not approve of the so called apparitions.
Hello Glenn really enjoyed this beautiful Catholic site, but you do know Medjugorie is not an approved appartion as two local Bishops of the local area I think Mostar it is called do not approve of the so called apparitions, so we need to be careful what we put out there. God Bless Miranda from Ireland🙏
Hi Miranda,
Thank you for your comments--and I completely agree with your caution concerning the purported Marian apparitions at Medjugorje. As for myself, I have always encouraged a "wait and see" approach towards any ongoing alleged apparition, though I may occasionally report or comment on some aspects of ongoing apparitions at times.
May God bless you and your loved ones,
Hi,I think that this is a Satan's work against us women and families in general as giving birth is quite dangerous process and sometimes our body works against us in the process of giving life. A senseless death already happened in Poland. And why? Because you can`t touch fetus or woman now even if their life is in danger.
Why woman's life is so worthless to religious fanatics? They are a child to someone, wife and mother to someone.
Even trough I am catholic and I would love a child, I would be afraid not to get medical help if needed only because someone could falsely assume that getting help to save mine or babies life is abortion. :) Peace to you all.
Didn’t Jesus already save mankind?
Anonymous above. Yes,for those who follow Him. He is the Way, the Light, the Truth. Many do not follow Him, as we know. That may include me. A pertual examination of conscience is in order. In fact, it is a must.
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